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Expenses Hub

This guidance is intended for the visitor.

Departments can find additional guidance in the Using Concur section 

Visitors: Per Diem

Complete all the required fields (these are marked with an *)

If you are eligible for a per diem payment, the department will have told you what rate to use

Narrative: Add information here which explains the nature of the visit, this field is limited to 64 characters. 

Number of days: Enter the number of days being claimed for

Provided rate: This will be provided by the department visited 

Amount: This will calculate based on the number of days and rate entered. The amount will be calculated when the expense is saved, until then this field will remain blank. 

Itemisations: There is an itemisation tab, this should be ignored as itemisations are not available for this expense type.

There is no need for a receipt.



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